Many times my clients' have artwork that was purchased when they were younger and stored away in their basement. They will ask me to look at it and decide whether it can be incorporated in one of their rooms. I think the most important thing to consider with these types of pieces is "Do you still like it?" Regardless if it looks dated to someone else if it makes you feel good when you see it and it stirs up good memories then it is worth working into a room or sometimes building a room around it.
In the projects shown in the photo's my client wanted to create a space that would be multi-functional. She wanted it to be her knitting room, home office and a place where guests could sleep. She also asked if we could incorporate her 70's/80's pictures by Patrick Nagel. It was a bit of a challenge since she wanted a "Zen" feeling in this room, Asian art could have worked better. Nagels' work is Art Deco with a modern flair but in the end all that mattered was that she felt good spending time in the room.
She was thrilled with the end result and spends more time in there than she imagined.
"Art gives voice to that which has not been spoken." Unknown
Celeste Jackson
Cultivating Individuality