Many of you will be taking vacations this summer even if it is driving across the state line. Part of the fun of taking those trips is shopping. Art is always a fun and exciting purchase to make when you are traveling, in fact many times a room design can be inspired by a piece of art or a beautiful hand made rug. But, before you make an expensive purchase there are some things to consider.
I wish I had a nickel for every time a client has dragged a piece of art or rug out of the closet to show me so I can figure out where it should go. Sometimes these purchases have been in their closets for years. So the first thing to do is look around your home before you head out of town to see where you need objects, rugs or artwork and measure the space so you don't have to guess if it will work or not. Better yet...take a picture of the space as well.
Be sure you are aware of what you like. Now that seems like a no brainer, after all if you like the way a piece looks and it inspires you that should be a good enough reason to purchase it. But, it is easy to get caught up in the moment. Everyone around you is buying one so you feel the excitement of the moment and make a hasty decision. Years ago I was working with a client furnishing and accessorizing their entire home. Most of the time my clients' have some artwork that I can play off of but in this case everything was being selected by me. After showing them many pieces of art that they rejected it finally dawned on me that they did not like people in their artwork. Whereas, I prefer artwork with people. Once I figured that out I found several pieces that excited them. Recently, I had another client that did not like pictures of landscapes or floral but she did like pictures of people.
Most of the time you have another person to please, like your spouse so talk it over before you even start looking. That way your purchase will be well thought out and will be treasured as an heirloom to pass on instead of being sold at a garage sale in 5 years.
"A good painting to me has always been like a friend. It keeps me company, comforts and inspires." Hedy Lamarr
Celeste Jackson